Nobody can make time. You can only spend time differently.
Time is your most valuable asset, because once you die you have none left. Make to most of the time you have, because once your time is spent, there's no way of getting it back.
You could be dead tomorrow, having more money in the bank won't make a difference then. Having spent time with you loved ones will make a difference to them, because they will have the memories.
I agree with your premise, but your last point doesn't make much sense. Your loved ones would also get the money. Maybe they value the money more than the memories they shared with you.
Yea, I thought of this too while I was writing it. It's a very personal matter probably, but I've often heard that people on their death beds are more concerned about not spending more time with loved ones than not earning enough money. So I chose to write it as is anyway.
I've always wondered how honest such statements are. Even if you'd actually enjoyed work much more than family time, wouldn't you tell your family what they'd want to hear under those circumstances?
Of course not, unless of course they happen to be assholes. Tell them what you think they need to hear to make a terrible situation as bearable as possible and try to help them have a loving memory of you. Confessing your 'sins' on your deathbed just to ease your conscience without any thoughts of the consequences is an extremely selfish and narcissistic act which does nothing to help your loved ones.
My implication that I didn't effectively communicate was that they deserve to be with the True You in life, not just on your death bed. It's not about easing your conscience. It's about giving people the feedback that they need to be fulfilled humans!
Nobody can make time. You can only spend time differently.
Time is your most valuable asset, because once you die you have none left. Make to most of the time you have, because once your time is spent, there's no way of getting it back.
You could be dead tomorrow, having more money in the bank won't make a difference then. Having spent time with you loved ones will make a difference to them, because they will have the memories.