WHOIS is provided by the organization that owns that IP block, and often times is their corporate office or lawyers office. Way worse way of trying to approximate a users geographic location. Please research before making claims.
I am well aware of that. When you use WHOIS you will be aware of that inaccuracy and know to use just the country instead of using the city you got out of GeoIP thinking it was correct when such as with the example of my IP it was not. The city they placed me in using GeoIP is in fact a smaller one, both geographically and in terms of population, so it's not even like it was reasonable. If you need more accurate location than country level, collect it from your users via client provided APIs. Sure that data can be spoofed but the first thing you'd do would then be to compare it to the WHOIS data to get a feel for whether or not it's correct and if your userbase is sufficiently large and assuming most clients will report correct data, you can build a location database of your own using the data you've collected.
PS: I didn't downvote you. I don't have downvote privileges on HN yet and even if I did have them, I wouldn't use them against you because I think you are contributing to discussion even though I don't agree with what you are saying. That being said, I think you should have refrained from telling me to "research before making claims".