Something I really enjoy about DCSS is the community aspect that goes on in ##crawl on freenode. First, lots of help from smart players. Second, the bots announce milestones like unique mob deaths, entering branches, wins, deaths, etc. You can query the bots for help, too, useful for things like querying a monster's stats, and a million other things.
They have a tournament a few times a year, with every release. You build teams (or play on a team by yourself) and accumulate points a variety of ways. Banners are earned, and it is all logged.
I'm part of a small sub-community of players, and we use it to filter the announcements so we only see the players we care about, run queries on the Crawl bots without disrupting ##crawl, etc.
(edit: oh hi grimgrin, didn't notice it was you :)
Essentially what you can get from:
Here's the query syntax for Sequell (a bot):
And just to add to the link dump, here's a list of user defined commands for the bots:
They have a tournament a few times a year, with every release. You build teams (or play on a team by yourself) and accumulate points a variety of ways. Banners are earned, and it is all logged.