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Your own source contradicts that last claim.

"those that exercise at least 4 hours per week are as healthy as those that sit fewer than 4 hours"

Readable copy of the paper on which that article is based:


The authors found a "convincing" correlation between sedentary behavior and health risks only for for cancer and CVD (see the "discussion" section). They specifically looked for such a correlation to insulin resistance, but didn't find any; they didn't look for other symptoms that have been mentioned (e.g. cataracts) at all.

It's not at all clear that weightlessness is the same as sitting at a desk in terms of the conditions we're talking about, but there is evidence that their rigorous exercise programs should counteract any such effects anyway. I'm not saying your theory is invalid, but you've done anything but provide evidence for it. It's certainly not the kind of "slam dunk" that would have justified your haughty dismissal of the OP.

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