"time saving" and "without taking my fingers off the home row" is an extremely shallow view of why people pick emacs and org-mode as a major portion of their computational environment.
Broadly it's about creating a sort of fabric of textual context around your all of your personal and professional projects. It's about owning your tools as a professional.
Orgmode allows you to capture your thinking around a project in a way that's extremely adaptable to whatever structure you need.
You can create an outline of arbitrary depth with todo items, appointments, executable computation or latex.
There is literally no other environment available with that level of power.
Now even if you can assemble this from the bits of flavor of the month web services which of us will still be able to read and use our environment in 2 years? How about 25?
> Now even if you can assemble this from the bits of flavor of the month web services which of us will still be able to read and use our environment in 2 years? How about 25?
I am sympathetic to this.
If I were working alone on a decades-long project - for example, as a researcher, or academic - I'd be hesitant to use something like Evernote. I probably would use org-mode.
But, when working with other (potentially non-technical) stakeholders on projects that clock in under five years, Evernote and Asana would be my go-tos.
For brainstorming and architecting I use whiteboards that I take photos of before erasing. If there's no whiteboard available, I use pen and paper - yellow legal pads - which I also take photos of.
Text files and Evernote I use for snipping web pages, organizing bookmarks, and taking meeting minutes. For todo lists, I use text files, Evernote, and increasingly, Asana.
Broadly it's about creating a sort of fabric of textual context around your all of your personal and professional projects. It's about owning your tools as a professional.
Orgmode allows you to capture your thinking around a project in a way that's extremely adaptable to whatever structure you need.
You can create an outline of arbitrary depth with todo items, appointments, executable computation or latex.
There is literally no other environment available with that level of power.
Now even if you can assemble this from the bits of flavor of the month web services which of us will still be able to read and use our environment in 2 years? How about 25?