>It may not have escaped your notice that 662,754 bytes is a lot of bytes for JavaScript for a single HTML page, and 296 files is a lot of files. "What are you doing on that page?" you may well be wondering.
> We are wondering that too. The page in question is the Khan Academy homepage for logged in users, and it's acquired a lot of, um, functionality over the years.
> The end result of our analysis is that our page isn't going to load any faster until we reduce the amount of JavaScript we use on the page. Tricks like trying to load a bunch of stuff in parallel, or aggressive caching, might seem like appealing shortcuts, but nothing replaces just auditing the code and making it need less "stuff."
At the end of the day, de-bloating is the best way to make your pages faster.
> We are wondering that too. The page in question is the Khan Academy homepage for logged in users, and it's acquired a lot of, um, functionality over the years.
> The end result of our analysis is that our page isn't going to load any faster until we reduce the amount of JavaScript we use on the page. Tricks like trying to load a bunch of stuff in parallel, or aggressive caching, might seem like appealing shortcuts, but nothing replaces just auditing the code and making it need less "stuff."
At the end of the day, de-bloating is the best way to make your pages faster.