The earliest full-fledged FRP implementation for JavaScript was Flapjax – work on it dates all the way back to 2006!
The paper Flapjax: A Programming Language for Ajax Applications is worth reading.
The principal designer and maintainer of the Elm Language (a functional reactive lang that compiles to JS) did his Master's Thesis on FRP, and that's a great resource if you want the big picture:
See also Controlling Time and Space: understanding the many formulations of FRP, by the same author:
The earliest full-fledged FRP implementation for JavaScript was Flapjax – work on it dates all the way back to 2006!
The paper Flapjax: A Programming Language for Ajax Applications is worth reading.
The principal designer and maintainer of the Elm Language (a functional reactive lang that compiles to JS) did his Master's Thesis on FRP, and that's a great resource if you want the big picture:
See also Controlling Time and Space: understanding the many formulations of FRP, by the same author: