Oh god, this again. I don't actually have to post a rebuttal to the WaitButWhy post because the comments on the post do such a good job of it. Go read them. That post is off base and incredibly condescending.
Your quote of Ready Player One is ironic considering the protagonist, in the end, gets everything he wants.
Why are people flipping their shit over this new feature? In the old days of 2004, when you broke up with somebody you got to avoid them for a while without having to delete them from your phone. What's wrong with wanting to stop seeing pictures of them getting drunk with their new friends and traveling to Europe without you, just for a little bit, while the wounds heal? For goodness sake this is not some sign of generational decline.
You're right, and I think it's hilarious. Some folks seem so ready to jump to a hyper-judgmental space that everything's a sign of a generational decline. And they get so, so, SO edgy when others tell them to calm down or chill out. Hey, maybe they need a safe space of their own!
> For goodness sake this is not some sign of generational decline.
I'd love to spend money on research to see if this is true or not. I wouldn't call it a decline. I'd call it "The Appification Of Societal Relationships".
What you want, when you want it, and nothing else. (or attempting to obtain that ideal)
Your quote of Ready Player One is ironic considering the protagonist, in the end, gets everything he wants.
Why are people flipping their shit over this new feature? In the old days of 2004, when you broke up with somebody you got to avoid them for a while without having to delete them from your phone. What's wrong with wanting to stop seeing pictures of them getting drunk with their new friends and traveling to Europe without you, just for a little bit, while the wounds heal? For goodness sake this is not some sign of generational decline.