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It's libraries rather than porting.

Funnily, though, I just thought 'yeah there's that library I use, they never ported that', for one of my codebases. Just looked it up and they now have ported it. So I guess it's time for me to do the same. I wonder what proportion of (actually used) libs are Py 2 only still.

At this point very few 'actually used' (meaning, used by more than a handful of organizations at most) are Py2 only. There are a few still in the process of porting, and a few that will never be ported due to being replaced (but are still somewhat popular for one reason or another.)

For those who don't know: http://python3wos.appspot.com/

People are still releasing brand-new Py2-only libraries to this very day. This is especially true in science, math, nlp, ml, etc.

Yes, and I kinda think it is silly, but whatever. Care to share any examples of recent releases? I know Google's TensorFlow was/is Py2 only, but a Py3 release is imminent. Google has an unfortunate habit of using Py2... I can understand they have their reasons... it is a bit irritating though :)

(Edit: Not that I care what they use internally... but sometimes they release a really cool open source library and it is Py2 only... arr! But at least they are sharing, so I can't really be too upset :)

snap-python. Development started in 2013, and yet they refuse to support Python 3: https://github.com/snap-stanford/snap-python/issues/52

So you'll have to convince them. Maybe they did not realize that SWIG supports Python 3 nowadays?

There's really no good reason not to support Python 3, and projects which refuse will at some point be forked.

Nah, just do the smart thing and stick with python 2.7.

Such as....

The entire scipy stack, ntlk, tensorflow has partial 3.0 support and plans to support both, caffe, theano, etc.

There are few to no libraries that don't support, or don't plan to soon support both.

I thought you were listing examples of libraries that didn't support Py3... so I was gathering links to refute your claims... then I realized you were posting examples in support of my claim that Py3 support is the norm :)


Python 3 support is literally issue #1: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/1

I suspect this is just an issue of they didn't want to block the release on not having Python 3 support ready at launch.

The weird thing as a non-python user is why did they even start with python 2 as first class in mind?

Probably the same reason (or at least somewhat related to) that Google App Engine only supports python 2.7. (https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/)

Python 2 is used internally at Google, and TensorFlow is, I believe, an open sourcing and nicer packaging of something that has already existed internally for awhile.

Big companies are moving slow, even Google.

because the low risk, high-audience strategy, when you're launching a new product, is to follow the path of least resistance, rather than being dogmatic. Maximum audience.

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