One of the Dr. Dobbs editors made the following confession years ago in an editorial, when Dr. Dobbs was still published on glossy magazine paper. (According to the text, the statute of limitations had already run out.)
When faced with the situation of working on a mainframe at city hall, but not being issued a city parking permit due to bureaucratic oversight, he came up with a solution in code. It just so happened that the system he was working on issued the parking tickets, so he just added conditional logic to detect his name, then deleted the ticket! Problem solved, and no bureaucratic runaround to solve it!
When faced with the situation of working on a mainframe at city hall, but not being issued a city parking permit due to bureaucratic oversight, he came up with a solution in code. It just so happened that the system he was working on issued the parking tickets, so he just added conditional logic to detect his name, then deleted the ticket! Problem solved, and no bureaucratic runaround to solve it!