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Grow Faster with YesGraph's iOS SDK (yesgraph.com)
11 points by lxm on Nov 3, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I helped make this SDK. YesGraph is W15 from YC by the way. If you have any questions, email me: ivan@yesgraph.com

Plus this is totally open sourced: https://github.com/YesGraph/ios-sdk

Very cool -- looking forward to trying. How does this compare with https://developers.google.com/app-invites/?

What do you do differently?

Google app invites is a smooth flow, but not designed for high performance. Selecting a bunch of friends from a list is just better. I haven't seen much data here, but some growth community forum posts agree with this intuition.

Their contact rankings are good though. Not FB level insight, but good

With Facebook and Apple effectively owning a number of viral channels on mobile, I wonder how you think of the larger problems of channels in general. It's not like the past when a multi-friend selector was easily available. Will you guys be integrated with the chat platforms (FB, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.) or do you think old school is still cool?

Apple doesn't own anything. SMS is open.

I'm very worried about closed communication channels like Whatsapp and Facebook messenger. They could really really hurt app developers.

A brief history of social media: Facebook is cool, then Facebook needs to be paid.

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