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Ah, but that would have been an interesting discussion. We could have discussed the merits of carrying capacity with respect to a species that builds its own ecosystem, or whether it makes sense to consider the entire planet a single ecosystem. We could have a meaningful discussion about the various population estimates and what they're based on. Or we could have discussed whether it makes sense to consider ourselves in competition with future generations.

But instead of that, the initial reply:

- refused the basic premise that would have allowed that discussion, by indirectly positing that space on earth is infinite

- followed it up with a very questionable assertion that earth's resources are used "more or less sustainably" (which is already at odds with the previous assertion that resources are infinite, and ignores the many species we've already hunted to extinction)

- added a non-sequitur that we would have run out of resources as hunter-gatherers (again at odds with the initial statement)

- justified the plain refusal of the basic premise with an ad-hominem about bias

- continued on with the apathetic rationalization that nothing can be done anyway

- concluded by reiterating the initial statement without further substantiation

Now, you may argue that my refusal to engage in that discussion is my weakness and it would still have been possible to salvage something positive, however my time is finite and there's better, less taxing discussions to be had.

(/me out, accepting that meta-justification is considered offtopic and will be downmodded).

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