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I appreciate that point of view.

I would state that the behavior occurring was already unconstitutional, as we are all created equal and we all have equal rights. This was a founding principle.

The question is, do you have equal rights on my private property? The law says yes. It's disappointing we need a law to get us that far. We had to give up individual liberty, by allowing laws to move into our personal lives, in order to give equal rights to others?

I don't respect people of other nationalities because there is a law to do so. What new impact did the law have on people's hearts? What impact does the Bible have on a persons heart when it says to "love thy neighbor like thyself".

Even with the Civil Rights acts, we have a heightened sense of urgency in the united states, where the media reports violence between white and black people frequently. A new law won't stop this, but a change of heart just might.

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