If I recall my networks course correctly, a device's MAC address is publicly visible and never changed. If the car is broadcasting, it should be easy to log this MAC address and track the car across the city. If I'm mistaken about this, please correct me.
IIRC this isn't "changing" the MAC address, as a reset of the software will once again begin broadcasting the original. Rather, it is spoofing, i.e. forcing the software to lie about the MAC address that was built into the hardware.
Only on it's local network. Unlikely that cars will set up dynamic local networks and talk to each other directly though. More likely they'll be assigned an IPv6 address by a service provider.
I'm still unclear about whether the EU "eCall" system (which requires cars to SMS their location to the emergency services in the event of an accident) will also have the car attached to a cell all the time.
Of course it will. You think governments won't take that opportunity to track you under the guise of "tracking bad guys"? The same applies to the insurance black boxes that some want introduced.
I can certainly expect that, but I'm looking for actual confirmation of how the system works / is supposed to work. It's not a "secret", it's just a piece of information that's hard to extract.