"The crux of the article can be summarized in one sentence:
If it smells like entropy, and it behaves like entropy, it probably is entropy."
Reports by others indicate it's not sufficiently developed but has that "feels right" sort of thing that indicates it might be promising. Not sure if it has any testable predictions, though (it is from a string theorist, then again it's a very young theory).
"The crux of the article can be summarized in one sentence:
If it smells like entropy, and it behaves like entropy, it probably is entropy."
Reports by others indicate it's not sufficiently developed but has that "feels right" sort of thing that indicates it might be promising. Not sure if it has any testable predictions, though (it is from a string theorist, then again it's a very young theory).
Slashdot discussed it yesterday, and there's some wheat admit the usual chaff: http://science.slashdot.org/story/10/01/10/1936240/The-End-O...