I've never seen more police than in Berlin. In Norway I can go for months without seeing police. In Berlin they were everywhere with guns and body armor. So, yeah, not underfunded at all, as far as I can see.
Berlin is a special case because there are a lot of places that require protection such as government buildings, embassies and synagogues. There is also a protest somewhere in Berlin on almost any given day. On top of that there is the criminal activity, drugs mostly, which means that the police raid places like Görlitzer Park pretty much daily.
In the rest of Germany there are cities you can easily spend months in without encountering a police officer.
Do Police really raid Görlitzer Park? I haven't been in Berlin for long but I was under the impression it was fairly tolerated, and it seems like a bit of a waste of police resources to crack down on (what I understand is) just a bit of weed.
Weed is definitely widely tolerated. Many people are in favor of legalization not just among those that enjoy weed but also among people working in the justice system that recognize that prohibition isn't working. Legalization would make it easier to deal with addicts, make it easier to prevent children and teenagers getting weed, would make many parks nicer to visit and bring in taxes. I think that it's just a matter of time until public opinion shifts to the point that it will be legalized.
Nevertheless the time isn't there yet, the senator responsible for police is member of the CDU, conservative and in favor of prohibition and unfortunately, while it's mostly weed, it's not just weed and many people aren't too happy about the aggressive sales tactics.