> > first two are B and R, the third has to go between them
> Yes, exactly, and that is directly to the right of B. I assume that dwarfs can always "fit in" between the others.
I'm okay with that, just saying that it could be misunderstood/disliked because some people would probably prefer a scheme which works for actual dwarves instead of pointlike :-)
> Actually, the rule "directly to the right of the rightmost blue one" would be enough if not the possibility that the first one can be R and then second one doesn't know where to stand and can take the place to the right wearing blue hat himself, which would fuck up the whole algorithm. Hence "to the left of the leftmost red one" part.
Yes... or if the first k ones are all red.
> And it still a little bothers me that, strictly speaking, separation will never happen, as the last dwarf will stand just on the right place, but will never know himself if he wears red or blue hat (others will know though).
True, but from a observer perspective, they definitely managed to order themselves into groups.
I'm okay with that, just saying that it could be misunderstood/disliked because some people would probably prefer a scheme which works for actual dwarves instead of pointlike :-)
> Actually, the rule "directly to the right of the rightmost blue one" would be enough if not the possibility that the first one can be R and then second one doesn't know where to stand and can take the place to the right wearing blue hat himself, which would fuck up the whole algorithm. Hence "to the left of the leftmost red one" part.
Yes... or if the first k ones are all red.
> And it still a little bothers me that, strictly speaking, separation will never happen, as the last dwarf will stand just on the right place, but will never know himself if he wears red or blue hat (others will know though).
True, but from a observer perspective, they definitely managed to order themselves into groups.