One of the trappings of luxury is a quiet cabin. If you're driving a nice car (that's not a sports car) you won't hear the engine. This used to be advertised heavily before it became standard on most decent cars.
I think the squeaks /u/Lightbody is describing are related to repairs, which are absolutely the last thing you want to do to a car, especially dash, headliner, doors, large non-mechanical areas.
Another trapping of high quality cars is fit and finish, which include things like smoothness of edges and gaps, flushness, door closing effort, paint quality, etc.
If you look at things like the edges of Tesla's components and the width of the gaps between doors, they are poor compared to (other) luxury cars. [1]
To be sure, I do think Teslas have AMAZING features, like handling and acceleration, but they do show their youth in fit and finish.