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I live in Colorado, so you can't fool me with the "marijuana is legalized" thing. The Feds still regard marijuana as something that only Satan himself would touch, so marijuana businesses can't officially use banks, and there's a lot of other fallout. You certainly can't transport it very far. State line crossings are a big, big deal. About the best you can say is, "it's less illegal".

The US only ducks out on treaties that require it to spend less on military/defence stuff, in all reality. Unfortunately, really, really draconian copyright laws align pretty nicely with deep state issues: you have to inspect packets to decide whether a stream of bytes violates some "IP" or other, which gives a damn good excuse to penalize encryption, and allow even less oversight on search and seizure. Also, let's face it, it's really really easy to violate copyright even if none of us really minds. Draconian copyright gives yet another law to selectively apply to someone you don't like, who exhibits contempt of cop, or whatever. If the US accepts the TPP, all of the excuses will be "we can't break International Law" or "We'd loose out in trading negotiations" or "what can we do our hands are tied by treaty" for any modification of copyright law whatsoever.

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