Are you seriously suggesting that it builds character? Honest question, because if you are, it would seem that fasting for that purpose alone would be a good idea.
Why stop with plentiful food and air conditioning? Maybe we should get rid of electricity, central heating, and modern medicine, too. Imagine how strong our characters would be then.
I used to do this all the time growing up, at least once a month I'd spend a few nights out in the woods camping from sometime around age 11 to 17. Granted, modern medicine was rarely more than a short hike and a car ride away (except for multi-week trips).
I'd say it helped build character. Regarding going hungry, when you're out on the trail and have 10 miles left to hike and no time to stop for lunch because you know a storm is coming in and you need to set up camp, you learn that you really don't need to eat every time your stomach growls. You also learn how to be dependable for those in your group, and how to depend on others without becoming dependent on them.
> when you're out on the trail and have 10 miles left to hike and no time to stop for lunch because you know a storm is coming in and you need to set up camp
I miss this feeling... and wish to echo your sentiment. Hiking with 'just enough' is a great way to discover just how little we truly need to be alright.
I should have used scare quotes around "character building". I do recognize that lots of hardships you could impose on yourself do build character. Yet in this case, I wouldn't suppose the benefit outweighs the hardship.
Are you seriously suggesting that it builds character? Honest question, because if you are, it would seem that fasting for that purpose alone would be a good idea.