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Is this why we use high fructose corn syrup everywhere?

Yes. The quota system drove the price of sugar up so much that manufacturers switched to the much cheaper alternative.

That's what he was asking. I think he meant "is this the only reason why we use high fructose corn syrup everywhere" to which I think the answer is "no." There's no shortage of corn subsidies, and farmers have been looking for new ways of utilizing corn for years. HFCS has been one of the ways which has payed off. Additionally, fructose is rated higher than sucrose on the Relative Sweetness Scale (140 and 100 respectively) so that less product may be used.

But yes, the above reason is vital.

Actually more HFCS is used than sugar for some reason...

I'm looking for a reference on this, but haven't found one yet. I know I read it somewhere.

Seen on a 12-pack of Pepsi on Sunday: "Retro Pepsi! Now with Real Sugar! (limited time only)"

And you know what? It's really really good. So is kosher Coke and Mountain Dew Throwback.

You might be interested in the documentary, King Corn, http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/kingcorn/

The US Government subsidizes corn production to the tune of like $22 an acre or something like that so corn based products are artificially cheap.

Also the web page is woefully out of date. There is absolutely no corn surplus anywhere. Ethanol production ate up every last available kernel, to the point that chicken feed became scarce - endangering your tasty mcnuggets!

I dont think its an actual subsidy (price support). Its more like insurance, production control (CRP) etc. My brother grew corn for 20 years, and never received any direct "subsidy". That web link doesn't explain any of this, it just throws around careless terms without explaining them - slanderous yellow journalism?

You have to watch the film. They explain it all in some detail.

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