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Netflix seems like a great company to work for. Recommend reading Reed Hasting's presentation on their culture: http://www.slideshare.net/reed2001/culture-1798664

For another perspective (perhaps a more nuanced/less flattering one), NPR's Planet Money recently did a great episode on Netflix's work culture [1]. I'm not so sure I'd want to work there, but I'm sure it is great for some.

[1] http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2015/08/28/435583328/episo...

When I listened to this before it made me wonder if Netflix's culture will get same sort of negative treatment and publicity that Amazon has been getting recently.

That was super interesting. Thank you for posting it. The DVD/Streaming split was an especially interesting period for Netflix. I didn't know the back story behind it. For anyone curious, it's at the end.

sounds like a bunch of platitudes with a lot of HR speak (a lot of which I REALLY disagree with)

And for having the "top talent" they have little to show for it on the technical side

Little to show for it? What percentage of total Internet traffic would you estimate that Netflix handles at 9PM eastern on a Friday night?

I just think the service hasn't evolved much since they started streaming nor have they really branched out.

Their success is due to their ability to secure rights to TV shows and movies - so thanks legal team

Netflix has massive talent density, no doubt it. The only downside is that they grind through people like crazy.

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