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Ahh Im 16 hours late to the party,

What's helped me deal with procrastination is, to keep a backwards list of things I have done.

I used to make a timetable, plan my work ahead, and always end up not following it.

I then did it the other way around, now I think about the work I have to do, just pick it up and start working, once I am done with my work, I write it on a notebook I carry around with me all day.

Its now like a part of my life, I even write down things like, "had a shower", "bought bread". I have noticed I have become really productive compared to the person from around 7 months ago. I am really happy as a person, and when ever I have a doubt if I have done enough work, my note book is there to tell me how much I have done.

I guess this is one of those carrot and stick things in this case, a self-governed carrot and stick I guess.

I think most programmers can relate to this feeling when you consider that amazing feeling you get after a whole night of debugging and seeing it run beautifully. I feel like this backwards list is also something like that. Looking forward to seeing that book fill up is making me do the work, and seeing all the work I have done lets me feel accomplished.

And I don’t get to be disappointed by plans that never worked out.

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