I'm rolling out a test network at the university of IoT. Instead of going with XYZ expensive setup, I'm rolling my own using an Arduino (clone) nano, sensors, and nRF24L01+ using mysensors library. On the acquisition end, I'm using node-red with the mysensors en/decoder.
I have node-red generating dynamic HTML, and dumping it in var/www/html and apache serving it up. All I'm waiting for now is 30 more setups for testing purposes.
(nRF24L01+ can generate a self-healing mesh network. Given the weird shape of our building, makes this ideal. And a small change turns a sensor node into a sensor/gateway.)
I have node-red generating dynamic HTML, and dumping it in var/www/html and apache serving it up. All I'm waiting for now is 30 more setups for testing purposes.
(nRF24L01+ can generate a self-healing mesh network. Given the weird shape of our building, makes this ideal. And a small change turns a sensor node into a sensor/gateway.)