Same here in Austria. Bank transfers are free and instantaneous between customers of the same bank, and take one business day to other banks. And they are irreversible.
You use the IBAN (International Bank Account Number), which is a 20 digit number that you find on your bank card (it's similar to a credit card number).
Sure, you can't just transfer money to someone's facebook account, but I guess that the inconvenience of having to ask people for their bank account number before you can send them money isn't really that big of a deal.
Especially considering that we are used to paying everything by bank transfer. Things like rent, utilities, parking tickets... any time you get a bill, there's a bank account number on it that you need to transfer the money to. And you just pay it online using the bank's website.
(For paying recurring bills, you can also grant a company permission for "direct debit" for your account, so you don't need to do anything. It sounds risky, but I've never had any fraudulent charges on my account)
Nobody needs to use something like Venmo here.