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In terms of physical servers, we're actually 50-50 Windows / Linux. Starting on Windows did not blind us to Kannel, Rails, PostGIS, Apache, Samba, Erlang, etc. We use tons of open source software where it makes sense.

Sometimes price isn't the only factor when deciding which tools are best for the job. After using C#, switching back to Java or a non-compiled language would be very painful. I'd lose a lot and miss it.

In terms of physical servers, we're actually 50-50 Windows / Linux. Starting on Windows did not blind us to Kannel, Rails, PostGIS, Apache, Samba, Erlang, etc. We use tons of open source software where it makes sense.

What do you use for desktops, e-mail, corporate servers, etc?

My goal was elucidate the hefty cost of Windows lock-in and Window's demonstrably strong tendency to pervade your organization in terms of political, staffing, and technological investment.

If it's considered the best tool for the job and these recognized costs are acceptable, then there's no reason to not use it -- but history should also provide some insight into how Microsoft behaves with organizations that become reliant on their technology.

Microsoft isn't being magnanimous with Bizspark -- they're trying to ensure that more startups are locked into their technology stack early, when the perceived immediate advantages may seem most attractive.

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