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I'm nearly the opposite.. I uninstalled my office 360 version from work when I left the job (validation failed anyway) and only used it for outlook for work anyhow... that said, I needed to update my resume. For that I have Libre Office... that's about all I use it for.

For me, google docs works well enough... I use the sheets more than the docs actually, as I keep track of my current bills with it. All of that said, there are a lot of tiny features in MS Office that LO doesn't have.... I don't need them, that doesn't mean that nobody does. I know plenty of people that can't give up their use of excel or word in favor of LO.

I also would love to see a fully free/open solution that works as well as Exchange+Outlook ... I've seen lots of alternatives and options, none are nearly as clean or well integrated. And for that matter, most are a bitch to setup/maintain on the server-side of things, or simply aren't actually free, there's usually a critical "plugin" that's only available with a support contract.

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