I've read a little about Genode before, so I am familiar with the name. But I have to admit that I have no clue what this project is trying to achieve (or has achieved already).
Could someone explain to me in not-overly-complicated terms what this project is all about? What is an "operating system framework" supposed to be?
(EDIT: I found the "about" link on their home page! :) Consider my question answered! This sounds like a very interesting interesting project.)
By "framework" they largely mean you have a choice of microkernel, with support for several microkernels of the L4 family (most recently initial support for SEL4).
They also have virtualisation support, so you can run Linux applications, and impressively secure desktop support.
See the publications (esp older) section of my comment above. Not just a microkernel, it's a specific way to structure a system that was developed via German R&D and reuses other developments there + abroad. The papers are very clear on details you're probably looking for.
Could someone explain to me in not-overly-complicated terms what this project is all about? What is an "operating system framework" supposed to be?
(EDIT: I found the "about" link on their home page! :) Consider my question answered! This sounds like a very interesting interesting project.)