My lab has been asked to do JOVE videos in the past, and there's not really a great incentive for labs to do them. JOVE essentially shuts down your lab for two weeks, you have to pay for the entire process (20K was the estimate we got), and then basically no one cites you.
I expect that providing videos (etc.) to show methods and facilitate both replication and identification of methodological errors is going to become a requirement (much as publishing data and placing hypotheses in escrow prior to data collection). So while there may not be much in the way of incentives now... just wait.
That seems ridiculous that you pay such a large amount for them to record your content. I could understand if it was a very small amount, but since they're making money out of the content it doesn't seem fair.
For safety reasons...when you have a camera man (or two), an audio guy, the producer and other assorted folks who are not safety certified for everything in your lab, you cannot do your normal work. Most protocols are multi-dayand you wind up having to do them multiple times, they tell you to block out 2 weeks.
can't watch any of them without signing up or you work in the ivory tower. pity, it would have been nice to use as an instructional aid. and no way i'd shut my lab for 2 weeks - if you're interested send your own damn post-doc for visit...