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the last 3 pos i had i "created" them myself by reaching out to people who needed something. one i responded to a job ad and ended up being hired to build something different on much better terms ( essentially as a consultant ). one i emailed 110 people in the space i wanted to get paid to work, got 10 replies 3 interview and 2 offers. one i pitched a project and got funding for equity. in all 3 cases i ensured i got people to pay me for me learning something new. so it was definitely a case of me not knowing how to do it when i approached them, yet i knew i could do it. another way to say that is i knew i could work it out. you sound like someone who can teach themselves that too. getting the work is like getting dates, it works to ask a lot of people, then care for, manage and nurture those connections. or like fishing, you got to cast a lot of times to get a couple nibbles, to land the biggun. you got this.

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