I think he paid them all $1 for the task, with the added bonus of possibly getting $50 if they win. Why is that not nice? They got paid, and entered a contest. $1 for a HIT on Mechanical Turk is pretty good, especially considering the amount of work they needed to do here (which is not much).
$1 seems to be pretty great for this task.
I just read some HIT descriptions, and there were A WHOLE LOT of "write 200 words for $0.03" jobs. Which really sucks if you ask me.
The funny thing is, every single one of those participants thought it was worth their time. They looked for something to earn money, and found this. They clearly thought the time/money tradeoff was sufficient.
If you can earn a buck doing what a lot of (generally wealthier, admittedly) people do for free, why not?
Blows my mind how 4 out of 50 (8%) did not even complete the stated requirements.
Also crazy how all many of these people are Indian.