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>But I can't shake the feeling there's a hidden fuck-you in there somewhere to the people they're outing.

That's not what Thomas is saying. He's literally saying that the main intent of why Impact Team released the 10GB database is because they felt users are guilty of the crime of marriage infidelity.

His statement is counter to what Impact Team specifically said, "publish the information in response to alleged lies ALM told its customers about a service that allows members to completely erase their profile information for a $19 fee."

Impact Team are being disingenuous - if you want to punish a liar you don't attack those who were fooled by the lie. More importantly, we don't know why a particular user was registered with the site - there are legitimate reasons why they may have used it including checking whether their partner was active on the site or using it at a time they were single for hook-ups. This leak will potentially destroy or taint innocent peoples relationships.

I have to disagree here strongly. The statements published by Impact Team are heavily laced with vitriol towards the users of the service. I feel their statement about exposing ALM is just a loose attempt at claiming virtue around their act. I am quite sure it was not in any way the prime motivator.

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