At what point do developers get criticized/held responsible for using public repositories for private websites? I get it, people like github but when you can get a private repo on bitbucket for free there's no excuse for this.
> people like github but when you can get a private repo on bitbucket for free there's no excuse for this.
Absolutely, Github public repos have always been a blackhat gold mine. But I guess a lot of people have never heard of Bitbucket, since Github is advertised everywhere , on education blogs, books , ... I'm sure some noobs using it don't even realize repositories are public and searchable.
This isn't a problem with public/private repositories. It's possible to commit the config files for Wordpress without exposing your passwords - you just have to not be lazy about it, and store the actual values in the environment or pull them from a file you don't commit with everything else.
Github does have a wider set of services that integrate with it. That said, if you have to go Github, private repos aren't that expensive. (And more services seem to be recognizing that Bitbucket is an increasingly popular options)
I love GH, but I only use it for my public projects. Limiting private repos ($200 for 125?) seems insane to me, and it will drive people to make public items that shouldn't be.
For any private projects, or ones involving clients, I use BitBucket and make all repos private. It's a difference of $190 for me (I use the $10/mth plan with BB and host well over 125 private repos).
> I love GH, but I only use it for my public projects. Limiting private repos ($200 for 125?) seems insane to me, and it will drive people to make public items that shouldn't be.
But that's not really github's fault for people having public repos. For $20/month I can setup a VPS with my own source code hosting service (full management like gitlab) and host all the repos I want. I get people love the features of github - but they never really use them.
I would say people use public repos on github because they are lazy. And when people get nailed for uploading their Amazon AWS keys - they should really think about an alternative solution for their git repo needs.
localhost in the case of Wordpress just means the database is running on the same machine as the web server. Practically every WP instance is set up that way.
That's not what he meant. What he meant was reading that the database is on localhost doesn't mean it's a development system. Many production instances of Wordpress run the database on the same host. Therefore localhost can also mean production. That might not be true for other services, but for Wordpress that's common. This is what he meant.
Most wordpress devs support multiple environments in their .wpadmin (dev -> localhost, prod -> some server). So this is creating a lot of false negatives.
Exactly. Also remember that on many many wordpress servers you also have phpMyAdmin. You can use the username + password to login, and you'll get access even when it's restricted to localhost.
It's pretty scary to have phpMyAdmin public facing. IIRC some older versions of mysql-server even had a bug where it'd let you in with a random password in 1/256 chance!
It should be really bad, since phpmyadmin get attempts are the most frequent on my home webserver and I don't even have it installed. Maybe older vulnerable versions are still around though.
I agree with mahouse and of course are some of these password legit. But this is nothing new, don't store sensitive data in git. Everyone know you can search this stuff on GitHub and if we look back - Google was a nice password search engine too (and still today)
How would you go about making a repeatable, automated deployment if you don't store configuration information in source control to load into the environment variables?
Doesn't this just push the problem up (down?) a level in the hierarchy? I mean, you still need to deploy these and configure them with the information the rest of your deployment requires right?
That link is talking about a problem with e.g. .htaccess and basic directory permissions, not a problem using git per se. But yeah, put that stuff in envars.
If there's any question, I think the rule has to be the former. There are standard, auditable ways to keep sensitive data out of git: .gitignore, environmental vars, etc. Once it's in git, any attempts to keep it out of a public repo will probably be manual and ad hoc.
If the organization is "closed" by default, i.e. it only rarely releases code to the public, this may not matter as much.
If you're the sort of developer who puts a wp-config.php file in a git repo (eg no proper deploy process.. otherwise that file wouldn't exist in the repo, or no reference to the config file in .git-ignore), you're probably the sort of developer who'll use the same password on your local dev machine and your live site because "setting up MySQL users is hard."
Keep clicking, because I found what appear to be two valid passwords in 5 different config files (with public hosts.)
Obviously I didnt test them, so you might be right that they change or are in dev mode, but that smells like a lot more than 6 9s.
Hmm. If you alter the search to "filename:wp-config.php FTP_PASS" you start getting some that look like ... legit. For those who don't know, WordPress has some level of access to hosting server via FTP, for upgrades and plugin installs.
In a similar vein, things like this are also why passwording your private keys is very important. Tons of these keys (why are people committing these to public repositories??) aren't passworded. It astounds me that someone has the technical knowledge to create an ssh key/pair, commit to github, and manage to send their unencrypted private key off into the public sphere.
Thought it was going to be template stuff for a min, clicked on the first one and saw "/ MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'JasxkvpY72KKCdttdBqt');"
Another one I posted about sometime ago is filezilla config files. Found lots of FTP servers with their passwords in the filezilla config files committed on github. [0]
"Passwords" in the title is a bit misleading. Most of these are staging files with little or no sensitive information there. However there is the odd bit of interesting data there if you look hard enough.
Github search is an untapped resource just like Algolia Search is on Hackernews. Infact I have largely replaced my Google searches with these ones for more refined and curated results.
Well a Wordpress production site is a rare and precious thing to find on Github. There are some that exist, but then even if I do find it:
1.) Password will be changed
2.) Possible honeypot
3.) Boring site is boring. No need to hack it. Not popular enough
Same goes for other databases on there. An enormous amount of cruft to wade through to get anything remotely juicy/interesting. And the same heuristics apply above: is it really so great that I logged into a boring MYSQL database that is probably being monitored and has nothing interesting in there in the first place?
I think they mean that a majority of these are instances where someone installed WP to play with it and these are the testing files rather than an actual website they are using. When I installed WP recently, I know I just used a dummy password for testing.
Apart from putting your wp-config on github, it's also a terrible idea to use short passwords like 'p@ss12' for a database password that will be sent from one machine/program to another most of the time - such passwords should at the very least look like 'jm0Y/ZGjxYZay2yraskQ5AbZ8Qe0r0pRVDdnEkaIvHU', computers can remember strings that long and developers can copy-paste if it's stored in a file already.
Security experts, I have a question: if a database server just allow connections from a white list (trusted IP's), exposing database passwords on a GIT repository is still a problem?
In any case where having passwords is relevant to security rather than just a hindrance to usability, exposing passwords is a security problem. If exposing a password isn't a security problem, you shouldn't require a password in the first place.
> "Defense in depth" is a commonly accepted security principle
> that suggests otherwise:
Except that it does no such thing. If you have passwords for defense in depth, they both exist for security reasons and it is a security problem to expose them (because you've just eliminated part of your depth.)
Defense in depth means that the problems of any one layer being violated are mitigated by additional layers of security, it doesn't mean it suddenly ceases to be a security problem if one of your measures is compromised. It just reduces the likely immediate severity of such a compromise, providing a greater chance of being able to effectively address it before it leads to an actual breach.
It's not clear from your question if this hopefully hypothetical database server is exposed to the internet or if it's on a private network, but:
Yes, it's still a problem, because then you have to depend on the whitelist staying valid and never having an admin accidentally turn it off. And you also have to depend on none of the machines on the trusted IPs being compromised either. And you have to depend on many other things not happening as well.
Instead, you want what is called defense in depth--several layers of security so that an attacker needs to breach several defensive layers in order to get access to what they're looking for. Relying on just an IP whitelist as a single layer of defense is not considered to be a good practice.
[I not saying I am an expert] It is always a problem to expose passwords. Sure they can't use it from the outside, but what's the point of even having the password if its public? The password is to prevent unauthorized access. If they are able to get to a box, and pivots, that password becomes useful to the attacker.
Definitely a good idea to whitelist ips, and, I'm certainly no security expert, but I still would avoid putting any type of credentials in a repository. Someone could have an ip reset, use a VPN tunnel, or any number of scenarios. I think it is better practice to use environment variables or something similar. Correct me if I'm wrong for those of you who are in security. increases the security of your digital properties through a distributed authentication system that doesn’t require your users to remember any passwords.
I don't even bother committing any part of wordpress core. I just commit the wp-content directory because unless you're a mad man, you shouldn't be modifying anything outside of that directory. First rule of WordPress is don't touch core! wp-config is definitely an exception, but better safe than sorry to avoid issues like this.
I'm just tired of seeing the same search on github for PHP config files.
> its predictably-named settings file
So does every other popular application and framework on the planet. This isn't something specific to wordpress - we can play this game all day with different applications, frameworks, and languages.
Not to mention that a knock on Wordpress isn't necessarily a knock on PHP, since many non-developers (or companies that do zero dev in PHP) install Wordpress.
That link is a great example to demonstrate how much Github search sucks now. You've explicitly searched for filenames of "tits.jpg", but it's showing you a complete mishmash of different files.
What is there to say ... developers , don't dump your projects on github public repositories ... use bitbucket and free private repos if you can't afford to pay FOR GOD SAKE !!! ...
!!! How many of them use the same credentials for their emails ? facebook ? twitter ? for their AWS account ? this is a nightmare.
I don't think this is a good idea, even if the database is just listening to localhost.
Say a malicious script gets uploaded to the machine, it will be able to dump the entire database without any need to seek out credentials.
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