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The PDF viewer is rather important if only for security.

I disagree. Having no PDF viewer is more secure than having a PDF viewer.

I'd have no problem with Mozilla releasing a separate PDF viewer, either as an extension, a standalone application or even a Web site. I also have no problem with Mozilla setting Firefox's default PDF application as a stub which downloads their separate viewer. But it shouldn't be built in to Firefox.

In any case, it is not the job of a Web browser to subvert the user's OS setup.

> I disagree. Having no PDF viewer is more secure than having a PDF viewer.

No, because that means you still do have a PDF viewer, but it's whichever the user has installed, most likely Acrobat, which is vulnerability-ridden.

> But it shouldn't be built in to Firefox.

Why shouldn't it? Browsers aren't limited to HTML. They also support plaintext, SVG, many image formats, XML, and so on. What's wrong with supporting PDF?

> No, because that means you still do have a PDF viewer

I didn't say "having no PDF viewer in Firefox", I said "having no PDF viewer".

> Browsers aren't limited to HTML. They also support plaintext, SVG, many image formats, XML, and so on. What's wrong with supporting PDF?

I would call that feature creep; even so, there are still a few differences:

HTML provides mechanisms for embedding images[0], so trying to support some common formats in the browser is a reasonable approach. A better approach would have the OS handle image formats, eg. like the datatype mechanism in AmigaOS[1].

The example image formats at [0] include single-page, non-interactive PDFs. Supporting such an image format might be reasonable, although I've never seen such a thing used in the wild. That's not what Firefox provides, though. Instead, it provides a whole application embedded in a tab, with a GUI for navigating around documents. The equivalent analogy for images would not the facility to decode the format; it would be the bundling of a whole image browsing GUI like Gwenview[2], which I certainly would object to. As it stands, FF treats a standalone image file as if it were a standalone img element, which is perfectly reasonable. The same goes for plain text, which FF effectively treats as if it were in a pre element. Again, it doesn't provide a special application for navigating text files.

SVG is also specifically mentioned in the HTML spec[3], hence providing browser support for SVG isn't straying too far from providing support for HTML. Again, FF doesn't provide a embedded GUI application for navigating SVGs (unless you count the Web Inspector stuff, which also has no place in the browser and should be either a separate extension or rolled into Firebug).

XML is just a syntax, which browsers need to support if they want to support XHTML[4], in the same way they need to support UTF-8 as a syntax for representing the text in HTML documents. Hence it's completely in-scope.

[0] http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/embedded-content-0.html#the-img-e... [1] http://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/Datatypes_Library [2] https://userbase.kde.org/Gwenview [3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/WD-html5-20100624/the-map-element.... [4] http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/introduction.html#html-vs-xhtml

How is having a built-in PDF viewer more secure than downloading the PDF and viewing it in Adobe Reader or Foxit? Is it just that those readers have vulnerabilities that Firefox doesn't?

Yes. The Firefox viewer sits on top of the JavaScript sandbox, which is the same sandbox that has to withstand attacks from pretty much everything on the internet and has been very hardened over the years (same for other browsers).

Ironically it had a vulnerability last week, but that's ONE and that's why it got so much attention. Adobe Reader and similar have had hundreds.

Allowing people to implement viewers for file types that run in the sandbox as plugins seems like a good idea then. Not that I mind that a PDF-viewer is already built in, but firefox can't support all file types.

A plugin API separate from the Web APIs is itself a large source of complexity and bloat.

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