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Startup School Radio: How Optimizely Knew It Was on to Something Big (blog.ycombinator.com)
48 points by loyalelectron on Aug 5, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

People who paid them up-front were basically companies they've done some business with before.

It's good to work your network to get first customers but every startup can do that. It's just common sense.

And nowhere in the article Optimizely claims this was how they knew they were onto "something big". So the title is misleading.

Fair point on the title -- perhaps I should have left it at "on to something." Will keep in mind for next time.

Thanks for these I will give it a listen.

Even "on to something" is a click-bait title which HN guidelines say should be neutered. IMHO you don't need to force it, just be classy and straight-forward e.g. "YC Startup School Radio Ep. 3 - Optimizely & Lawn Love" or something.

Really been enjoying these podcasts. Very cool to hear these first-hand stories

I know companies that did the same thing, only they were not onto something big. Having customers pre-product is a good signal. I'm sure that the class of companies for which this happens have a much higher success rates than a typical startup. However, that's far from knowing you've hit something big. That's something you can only say in hindsight.

Serious question; what is the deal with the something-ly.com names? It just seems really odd and me-too-ish to my ear.

Because of the .ly TLD. Many companies employed a play on words to have a single-word domain for any word ending in -ly. Bit.ly is probably the most well-known.

The problem is that .ly is managed by Libya, and they tend to have restrictive laws and government practices that many people take issue with. So, many companies just got the -ly.com versions of their domains and made the switch.

To expand upon your comment.... those startups used something.ly domains when they were small and just starting out -- i.e. before they could afford to buy something-ly.com. Once they had traction and raised money, they purchased the proper domain. It's the same reason TheFacebook later dropped "The".

Mr. Graham thinks it's not cool to have .ly anymore. It's an interesting means to date a tech company's founding in the Post-Web 2.0 era.


Agreed. After the first few, they just sound too 'cutesy' to me.

Cute-ly. Clearly you mean cutely.

When the guys at Optimizely asked for money upfront for their new software idea, were they already backed by YC?

I wonder if they collected the check up front. Big difference there too...

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