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I think you are confusing hash functions with key derivation functions..

I'm not. Hash functions are used in cryptography for password storage (eg SHA2-512).

Best practice would be to use a KDF with a hash salt, but in a lot of cases, SHA2 + salt + pepper is sufficient.

> Hash functions are used in cryptography for password storage

hint: they're used for more than that.

you are woefully out of your depth here.

> you are woefully out of your depth here.

I very much doubt that since I've been able to provide back up sources to evidence my points. However if I am wrong then please do educate me instead of posting uninformative troll comments like the above.

"If BLAKE isn't intended for cryptography then it's not a direct competitor to SHA-3."

If you didn't know that BLAKE was one of the entries in the SHA3 competition (one of the finalists in fact), I think you are out of your depth.

Those two points aren't mutually inclusive. I do understand cryptography and hashes - maybe not to a security researchers level nor be up to date with the latest proposals - but that doesn't mean I'm out of my depth to ask the questions I've been asking either.

Furthermore, the way you conduct yourself in these posts isn't exactly helpful. You're condescending and terse. Your comments contain the bare minimum information (or in the case of this latest exchange, no useful information what-so-ever) and it feels very much like you're more interested in winning ego points than you are in educating someone who could clearly benefit from your greater wisdom. Which is sad because without that exchange of knowledge, these kinds of threads will keep happening.

edit: that said, I did appreciate your comment about hardware vs software: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10012537 so thank you for that post :)

If you're interested in learning, ask more questions. This thread started off with some dubious statements, and when that was pointed out, you dug in deeper and deeper. That doesn't inspire much confidence that you will appreciate someone taking the time to educate you. Hence, the terseness.

My first draft of that post was more question-based than statement-based but for some reason I thought the rewritten version was better presented. In hindsight that was really poor judgement on my part. Sorry for that. But I assure you that I'm very much interested in learning :)

The "digging deeper" was more down to responding to other people who had misunderstood my original comment. And lets be honest, there has been a lot of that as well.

edit: oh jeez, someone's been on the rampage with the ▾ clicking. I think it's time I get HN a break because the moderation on here has really been bugging me in recent months. I know it's a tired cliche, but I'm sure this community used to be less hostile. </soliloque>

KDF should be slow.

Stream ciphers should be fast.

Message authentication should be fast.

Hash functions can be used in any of the above, therefore it should be fast. Key derivation functions generally work by taking a secure hash (that can be done fast), and then taking an operation that transforms the output of the hash function to another output that requires a lot of time and/or memory. And then possibly takes the hash of this as well to obscure the internal workings. The "slowness" is part of the KDF, and not part of the hash function. The reason it's tuneable is because it doesn't matter how fast the hash is, you can just run more iterations.

> SHA2 + salt + pepper is sufficient

Not even close. The attempts/sec you can run against SHA-2 vs. the attempts/sec you can run against bcrypt or scrypt are an order of magnitude apart.

You should not use anything less than a proven KDF (scrypt, bcrypt, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA2 with a lot of rounds) for password storage.

Many of your posts conflate "cryptographic" with "password hashing", which is certainly not the case. Note that PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA2 does not (at all) mean that SHA-2 is useful for password hashing. As someone else pointed out, that's just an implementation detail.

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