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Stories from September 22, 2011
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31. URL Object Notation: A better JSON for URLs (vjeux.com)
54 points by vjeux on Sept 22, 2011 | 57 comments
32. Linus Torvalds made Subsurface - a dive tracking tool (plus.google.com)
50 points by kenny_r on Sept 22, 2011 | 17 comments
33. Assange: Statement on the publication of an unauthorized "autobiography" (wikileaks.org)
48 points by sathishmanohar on Sept 22, 2011 | 14 comments
34. Windows 8 Spells Trouble for Linux, Hackintosh Users and Malware Victims (readwriteweb.com)
49 points by darkduck on Sept 22, 2011 | 56 comments
35. The Promise of the Web (alertdebugging.com)
47 points by kr589213 on Sept 22, 2011 | 24 comments
36. CEO: Red Hat potentially first billion dollar OSS company in 2012 (yahoo.com)
46 points by sthlm on Sept 22, 2011 | 13 comments
37. Ask HN: What do people do with the code from failed startups?
46 points by bobbywilson0 on Sept 22, 2011 | 26 comments
38. Your first customer as a co-founder (jacquesmattheij.com)
44 points by prez on Sept 22, 2011 | 7 comments
39. HTML5 Deep Dive - advanced Canvas tricks and resources (joshy.org)
43 points by wavephorm on Sept 22, 2011 | 3 comments
40. A New Gowalla (gowalla.com)
43 points by creativityhurts on Sept 22, 2011 | 33 comments
41. Search for your name in pi (dr-mikes-maths.com)
42 points by tokenadult on Sept 22, 2011 | 20 comments
42. Ask HN: Where/How can I learn more about general webapp maintenance?
41 points by ha470 on Sept 22, 2011 | 17 comments
43. Ubuntu Linux and Wayland Display Server: Status Update (thevarguy.com)
43 points by darkduck on Sept 22, 2011 | 3 comments
44. The Logging Mess in Java (dzone.com)
40 points by gulbrandr on Sept 22, 2011 | 21 comments
45. Using HTML5 geolocation API to get the distance of the visitor from me (breakthebit.org)
41 points by mihar on Sept 22, 2011 | 9 comments
46. Demystifying UEFI, the long-overdue BIOS replacement (extremetech.com)
39 points by mrsebastian on Sept 22, 2011 | 10 comments
47. Overflows in SafeInt (regehr.org)
39 points by wglb on Sept 22, 2011 | 5 comments
48. FBI arrests LulzSec member "recursion" for Sony Pictures hack (arstechnica.com)
39 points by alvivar on Sept 22, 2011 | 45 comments
49. The next Hacker News Seattle Meetup is Tuesday, October 4th at 6pm. (meetup.com)
38 points by zacharycohn on Sept 22, 2011 | 10 comments
50. Whitman Expected to Get HP CEO Nod After Markets Close (allthingsd.com)
37 points by charlief on Sept 22, 2011 | 48 comments
51. Shen 1.7, successor to Qi II, released (lambdassociates.org)
36 points by hadronzoo on Sept 22, 2011 | 9 comments
52. Protecting the pre-OS environment with UEFI (msdn.com)
35 points by wyday on Sept 22, 2011 | 10 comments
53. Facebook Music announced with Spotify, Rdio, MOG, and more (thisismynext.com)
35 points by tilt on Sept 22, 2011 | 14 comments
54. What Steve Jobs Taught Me About Growth (hbr.org)
35 points by hellacious on Sept 22, 2011 | 8 comments
55. The Internet is my Resume (tomcreighton.com)
35 points by tomcreighton on Sept 22, 2011 | 34 comments
56. Gandi.net launches Platform as a Service beta (gandi.net)
34 points by kenny_r on Sept 22, 2011 | 13 comments
57. Spotify Surpasses 2 Million Paying Subscribers (mashable.com)
29 points by k33l0r on Sept 22, 2011 | 24 comments
58. Alcatel-Lucent 100Mbps technology on copper lines (ispreview.co.uk)
22 points by riledhel on Sept 22, 2011 | 2 comments
59. Validating Our Hypothesis Using Hacker News (sourceninja.com)
30 points by bretthardin on Sept 22, 2011 | 2 comments
60. Show HN: The Final Days of a Failed Startup
22 points by manuscreationis on Sept 22, 2011 | 8 comments

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