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Stories from June 30, 2008
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31. Confirmed: Marc Andreessen Joins Facebook’s Board Of Directors (techcrunch.com)
10 points by prakash on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
32. On the Web, If You're Not Growing, You're Dying (louisgray.com)
9 points by breily on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
33. MySpace group owners forced to use DIY scripts and tools to fight trolls (thestandard.com)
9 points by ilamont on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
34. Former Intel Chairman Andy Grove pushes electric cars (sfgate.com)
9 points by kungfudoi on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
35. A serious case of JustOneMoreBug (alumnit.ca)
9 points by holdenk on June 30, 2008
36. Reduce Bounce Rates: Fight for the Second Click (useit.com)
8 points by bostonbiz on June 30, 2008
37. NYT on why Microsoft should rewrite Windows from scratch (nytimes.com)
8 points by michael_dorfman on June 30, 2008 | 14 comments
38. How Twitter could be worth a billion dollars in a year: Mobile payments (alleyinsider.com)
7 points by fromedome on June 30, 2008 | 12 comments
39. Bang & Olufsen design team avoids meetings/process and "sculpts" products little by little (wsj.com)
7 points by hariskh on June 30, 2008 | 3 comments
40. In the 19th century, poets had huge audiences (chronicle.com)
7 points by pg on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
41. Past nuclear explosions can help detect art forgeries (theartnewspaper.com)
7 points by mhb on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
42. Rands interviewed via Twitter. (gelfmagazine.com)
7 points by DaniFong on June 30, 2008
43. Tech majors to join hands against patent suits (reuters.com)
7 points by paulsb on June 30, 2008 | 10 comments
44. Yahoo Jerry Yang: Please Don't Fire Me (alleyinsider.com)
7 points by trs90 on June 30, 2008 | 5 comments
45. Why Parallel Programming Is So Hard (rebelscience.blogspot.com)
7 points by Mapou on June 30, 2008 | 16 comments
46. Collaborative Filtering (readwriteweb.com)
7 points by Anon84 on June 30, 2008
47. Searching Y Combinator news
6 points by seshagiri on June 30, 2008 | 8 comments
48. Questions I Ask Myself Daily (jamiequint.com)
6 points by DaniFong on June 30, 2008 | 2 comments
49. Microsoft seeks next big idea in Cambridge (boston.com)
6 points by markbao on June 30, 2008 | 3 comments
50. The Steve Jobs Premium (zdnet.com)
6 points by markbao on June 30, 2008 | 4 comments
51. The 100 Most Influential Taglines (taglineguru.com)
6 points by ctingom on June 30, 2008 | 5 comments
52. Turtles all the way down (cincomsmalltalk.com)
6 points by craigbellot on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
53. Quicksilver for Emacs: anything.el (tech.coop)
5 points by smanek on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
54. Another Over Paid Google Exec: $4 Million (webguild.org)
5 points by UCDeseMuscles on June 30, 2008 | 11 comments
55. Tangible Interface: your physical keychain == your password (kk.org)
5 points by joshwa on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
56. Celestial clues may end ancient debate about eclipse in Odyssey (guardian.co.uk)
5 points by cmcginnis on June 30, 2008 | 1 comment
57. Fresh UI ideas from Songza and Algorithm Ink (37signals.com)
5 points by naish on June 30, 2008
58. Everything you might want to know about BigTable (labs.google.com)
5 points by auston on June 30, 2008
59. Joel Spolsky on Bill Gates (inc.com)
5 points by Anon84 on June 30, 2008
60. Encrypted P2P Traffic No Longer Safe From Throttling (coderrr.wordpress.com)
5 points by coderrr on June 30, 2008 | 6 comments

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