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Stories from September 21, 2007
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1. How to Do Philosophy (paulgraham.com)
96 points by samb on Sept 21, 2007 | 229 comments
2. Google To "Out Open" Facebook On November 5 (techcrunch.com)
42 points by brett on Sept 21, 2007 | 16 comments
3. Ruby on Rails Security Guide (quarkruby.com)
29 points by luccastera on Sept 21, 2007 | 3 comments
4. Coding Horror: Everything Is Fast For Small n (codinghorror.com)
26 points by luccastera on Sept 21, 2007 | 4 comments
5. The man with the Y Combinator tattoo (scienceblogs.com)
26 points by norvig on Sept 21, 2007 | 17 comments
6. Founders at Work - Xobni Beta! (foundersatwork.com)
25 points by luccastera on Sept 21, 2007 | 7 comments
7. Python indentation: very nice explanation for the curious or skeptical (secnetix.de)
23 points by benhoyt on Sept 21, 2007 | 27 comments
8. How great programmers learned their craft (interview) (usmanahmad.wordpress.com)
21 points by comatose_kid on Sept 21, 2007 | 11 comments
9. Functional Programming in Python (ibm.com)
18 points by mk on Sept 21, 2007 | 8 comments
10. Bose (of speaker fame) designs electromagnetic car suspension (edmunds.com)
15 points by charzom on Sept 21, 2007 | 6 comments
11. Web applications don't follow Moore's law (Google developer) (colijn.ca)
15 points by oxyona on Sept 21, 2007 | 4 comments
12. "We have 3,000,000 users, now what?" startup asks (insidefacebook.com)
12 points by joshwa on Sept 21, 2007 | 12 comments
13. Extreme Makeover: What if you spent one year following every rule in the Bible? (msn.com)
11 points by amichail on Sept 21, 2007 | 9 comments
14. Intel's next-gen iPhone mockup (anandtech.com)
9 points by kf on Sept 21, 2007 | 6 comments
15. Raytheon develops ray gun that causes unbearable pain at half a mile (dailymail.co.uk)
9 points by jyrzyk on Sept 21, 2007 | 11 comments
16. Do you need special permission to land something on the moon? A summary of space law. (slate.com)
8 points by ivankirigin on Sept 21, 2007
17. Australian AF cracked codes on fighters sold to them by US (news.com.au)
8 points by jyrzyk on Sept 21, 2007 | 4 comments
18. The Forbes 400 List for 2007 (forbes.com)
7 points by sbraford on Sept 21, 2007 | 5 comments
19. Is a PR/Legal Mess in Store for Facebook fbFund? (centernetworks.com)
6 points by transburgh on Sept 21, 2007 | 3 comments
20. The Elements of Computing Systems: from logic gates up through OSs and VMs (nerdwisdom.com)
7 points by henning on Sept 21, 2007
21. Chernobyl Slime Feeds on Gamma Rays (unitedcats.wordpress.com)
7 points by nostrademons on Sept 21, 2007
22. Ask whomever: who gives away free money?
7 points by yters on Sept 21, 2007 | 26 comments
23. EFF's Web 2.0 Compliance Bootcamp. Avoid getting on the wrong side of the law or your users (oreilly.com)
7 points by ivankirigin on Sept 21, 2007
24. Tech titans rule the billionaires club (business2.com)
7 points by drm237 on Sept 21, 2007
25. Merck's AIDS vaccine fails, trials halted (yahoo.com)
5 points by jyrzyk on Sept 21, 2007 | 3 comments
26. 5 Tips on How to Leverage Social Media for Your Startup (foundread.com)
6 points by transburgh on Sept 21, 2007 | 1 comment
27. Video of Michael Arrington interviewing Mark Zuckerberg at TechCrunch40 (intruders.tv)
6 points by eugenet on Sept 21, 2007 | 4 comments
28. Microsoft Office under fire (timesonline.co.uk)
5 points by ideas101 on Sept 21, 2007 | 3 comments
29. Startup idea: Facebook as a trusted distributed computing service
5 points by yters on Sept 21, 2007 | 8 comments
30. Top 20 Most Bizarre Experiments (not hoaxes, as the URL suggests) (museumofhoaxes.com)
5 points by karzeem on Sept 21, 2007

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