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Stories from March 24, 2013
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1. A scientific accident that could change the world (io9.com)
464 points by roachsocal on March 24, 2013 | 104 comments
2. Show HN: My side project – Do I need a visa for...? (doineedavisafor.com)
248 points by jlangenauer on March 24, 2013 | 158 comments
3. The Flask Mega-Tutorial (miguelgrinberg.com)
243 points by giis on March 24, 2013 | 56 comments
4. Poll: Do you meditate?
241 points by gnosis on March 24, 2013 | 222 comments
5. Why Use Nginx? (nginx.org)
210 points by seclabor on March 24, 2013 | 88 comments
6. Too Perfect a Mirror (jefferai.org)
210 points by mercurial on March 24, 2013 | 125 comments
7. Python data tools just keep getting better (oreilly.com)
184 points by datascientist on March 24, 2013 | 34 comments
8. Introduction to Machine Learning (smola.org)
181 points by chorola on March 24, 2013 | 21 comments
9. Chrome Inspector Detector (adamschwartz.co)
176 points by adamschwartz on March 24, 2013 | 86 comments
10. Super Mario World "Completed" in Under 3 Minutes by Corrupting the RAM (minimaxir.com)
168 points by minimaxir on March 24, 2013 | 70 comments
11. Postgres Demystified (speakerdeck.com)
164 points by craigkerstiens on March 24, 2013 | 71 comments
12. Ask HN: Overcomming a federal conviction (computer fraud) for decent job? (pastebin.ca)
153 points by 0x00_ on March 24, 2013 | 175 comments
13. Facebook knows you’re gay before you do (americablog.com)
145 points by followmylee on March 24, 2013 | 88 comments
14. Negative space logos and symbols (briandelaney.me)
135 points by maxmzd_ on March 24, 2013 | 49 comments
15. Rich vs. King in the Real World: Why I sold my company (asmartbear.com)
118 points by tyn on March 24, 2013 | 38 comments
16. Draw UML Sequence Diagrams with new Javascript library (bramp.github.com)
120 points by thebramp on March 24, 2013 | 33 comments
17. Lessons Learned Developing Software for Space Vehicles (lwn.net)
117 points by someperson on March 24, 2013 | 58 comments
18. Truly elastic clouds with Zerg: OS-less Erlang on Xen (erlangonxen.org)
105 points by cetinsert on March 24, 2013 | 55 comments
19. Storms and Teacups (acko.net)
105 points by ilovecomputers on March 24, 2013 | 19 comments
20. Shark Tank Statistics (tvquotes.net)
105 points by acremades on March 24, 2013 | 32 comments
21. Bill Gates Will Give You $100,000 to Build a Better Condom (mashable.com)
103 points by mattquiros on March 24, 2013 | 80 comments
22. Samsung's future is Tizen, not Android (osnews.com)
102 points by kumarshantanu on March 24, 2013 | 86 comments
23. Children should be allowed to get bored (bbc.co.uk)
102 points by equilibrium on March 24, 2013 | 52 comments
24. An A from Nabokov (nybooks.com)
98 points by gruseom on March 24, 2013 | 24 comments
25. How Getting Married and Having Kids Made Me a Better Programmer (johnpolacek.com)
97 points by johnpolacek on March 24, 2013 | 54 comments
26. How Etsy Attracted 500% More Female Engineers (fastcolabs.com)
86 points by mankins on March 24, 2013 | 106 comments
27. You're Distracted. This Professor Can Help (chronicle.com)
86 points by iProject on March 24, 2013 | 25 comments
28. JavaScript integration between Sublime Text and Chrome DevTools (thechangelog.com)
82 points by adamstac on March 24, 2013 | 26 comments
29. Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwell (highexistence.com)
75 points by eplanit on March 24, 2013 | 17 comments
30. Mother raising money through Kickstarter to send daughter to RPG camp (playereffort.com)
73 points by jmount on March 24, 2013 | 113 comments

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