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Stories from August 11, 2010
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1. What Happened to Yahoo (paulgraham.com)
688 points by yagibear on Aug 11, 2010 | 270 comments
2. "My husband is a programmer; I have no idea what that means." (renaebair.com)
417 points by acangiano on Aug 11, 2010 | 144 comments
3. 10,000+ users in 24 hours & YC funding a few days later: lessons learnt (rapportive.com)
258 points by rahulvohra on Aug 11, 2010 | 87 comments
4. Textarea, You Are A Sunken Nothing (archive.org)
250 points by EbFFA on Aug 11, 2010 | 53 comments
5. EFF Review of Verizon and Google's Net Neutrality Proposal (eff.org)
187 points by vmind on Aug 11, 2010 | 8 comments
6. A paper trail of betrayal: Google's net neutrality collapse (arstechnica.com)
172 points by abraham on Aug 11, 2010 | 118 comments
7. Facebook name extraction based on email/wrong password + POC (seclists.org)
143 points by iamelgringo on Aug 11, 2010 | 27 comments
8. Be happier: Rent Everything (georgesaines.com)
127 points by gsaines on Aug 11, 2010 | 135 comments
9. Q&A on P≠NP Paper for Non-Mathematicians (caltech.edu)
122 points by mikexstudios on Aug 11, 2010 | 11 comments
10. Ask HN: Who is currently broke due to being in a startup?
112 points by twidlit on Aug 11, 2010 | 84 comments
11. Removing street signs, lights and arrows increases safety and road capacity (wilsonquarterly.com)
112 points by mhb on Aug 11, 2010 | 48 comments
12. Racket vs Clojure (it's all about the data structures) (programming-puzzler.blogspot.com)
104 points by swannodette on Aug 11, 2010 | 27 comments
13. Google Reader reader? Would you find this service useful? (plc.vc)
99 points by pclark on Aug 11, 2010 | 47 comments
14. Update on Deolalikar’s Proof that P≠NP (rjlipton.wordpress.com)
95 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Aug 11, 2010 | 19 comments
15. Do you have a different personality when you speak a different language? (cbc.ca)
89 points by jazzdev on Aug 11, 2010 | 83 comments
16. Reflecting on 3 Years At Facebook (facebook.com)
87 points by arjunb on Aug 11, 2010 | 44 comments
17. The Beauty of LaTeX (nitens.org)
84 points by wwortiz on Aug 11, 2010 | 45 comments
18. I Move You (YC S10) Is An Evite For Healthy Activities (techcrunch.com)
80 points by jakek on Aug 11, 2010 | 37 comments
19. Ask HN: What is an alternative to Google? Really.
75 points by inodeman on Aug 11, 2010 | 120 comments
20. The rich are different from you and me (economist.com)
69 points by bootload on Aug 11, 2010 | 67 comments
21. Interview with Ryan Dahl on node.js (dailyjs.com)
66 points by olegp on Aug 11, 2010 | 18 comments
22. The student loan crisis will dwarf the housing market crash. (mikekarnj.com)
65 points by mikekarnj on Aug 11, 2010 | 105 comments
23. InDinero (YC S10) sees huge market for small-business expense tracking (xconomy.com)
64 points by waderoush on Aug 11, 2010 | 10 comments
24. Ask HN: Diaspora hasn't updated their blog in a month.
62 points by mattwdelong on Aug 11, 2010 | 56 comments
25. Raise money in memory of a loved one with 1000Memories and WePay (venturebeat.com)
62 points by rudyadler on Aug 11, 2010 | 4 comments
26. How We're Building a Better Bank: Negotiating Privacy & Utility (banksimple.net)
61 points by Q6T46nT668w6i3m on Aug 11, 2010 | 14 comments
27. We are wanderers... - Carl Sagan (youtube.com)
56 points by rblion on Aug 11, 2010 | 13 comments
28. The proof is in the code. That is all. (codeanthem.com)
55 points by AmberShah on Aug 11, 2010 | 34 comments
29. Philly-Based Incubator DreamIt Ventures Graduates 14 Startups (techcrunch.com)
54 points by edw519 on Aug 11, 2010 | 19 comments
30. Firefox 4 Beta 3 Released (mozilla.com)
52 points by mgunes on Aug 11, 2010 | 18 comments

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