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Stories from August 29, 2018
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1. Show HN: I'm 12, learning JS, and wrote Wolfram's cellular automaton in Node (bitbucket.org/liamilan)
1072 points by liamilan on Aug 29, 2018 | 283 comments
2. Bye bye BetterSlack (g3rv4.com)
839 points by g3rv4 on Aug 29, 2018 | 383 comments
3. DuckDuckGo Raises $10M (crunchbase.com)
762 points by exotree on Aug 28, 2018 | 249 comments
4. We Spent $3.3M Buying Out Investors: Why and How We Did It (buffer.com)
443 points by janpio on Aug 29, 2018 | 172 comments
5. Open source RISC-V implemented from scratch in one night (github.com/darklife)
272 points by guigg on Aug 27, 2018 | 109 comments
6. Google, but for colors (picular.co)
349 points by dcschelt on Aug 29, 2018 | 102 comments
7. LiteTree: SQLite with Branches (github.com/aergoio)
343 points by kroggen on Aug 29, 2018 | 75 comments
8. Teens who refuse to use social media (theguardian.com)
453 points by pmoriarty on Aug 29, 2018 | 361 comments
9. Financial Modeling for Startups: An Introduction (fivecastfinancial.com)
276 points by lhh on Aug 29, 2018 | 33 comments
10. What Was the Microsoft Network? (codersnotes.com)
314 points by kayamon on Aug 29, 2018 | 152 comments
11. California governor signs overhaul of bail system (latimes.com)
205 points by neo4sure on Aug 28, 2018 | 196 comments
12. A majority of US teens are taking steps to limit smartphone and social media use (techcrunch.com)
218 points by dgudkov on Aug 28, 2018 | 107 comments
13. A Missing Link in Postgres 11: Fast Column Creation with Defaults (brandur.org)
219 points by grzm on Aug 29, 2018 | 44 comments
14. The World’s Oldest Blockchain Has Been Hiding in the New York Times Since 1995 (vice.com)
240 points by chuckblake on Aug 28, 2018 | 78 comments
15. How to use LEDs to detect light (makezine.com)
153 points by chrisbennet on Aug 29, 2018 | 65 comments
16. Conference call simulator (conferencecall.biz)
370 points by rnl on Aug 27, 2018 | 108 comments
17. Twitter’s deletion of its FB app caused old cross-posts to temporarily disappear (techcrunch.com)
324 points by lxm on Aug 29, 2018 | 212 comments
18. SurveyMonkey S-1 (sec.gov)
131 points by coloneltcb on Aug 29, 2018 | 55 comments
19. A plea for lean software (1995) [pdf] (cr.yp.to)
133 points by tosh on Aug 29, 2018 | 100 comments
20. How to Succeed with a Startup [video] (blog.ycombinator.com)
184 points by CyrusL on Aug 29, 2018 | 77 comments
21. For $450, a Japanese Company Will Quit Your Job for You (npr.org)
173 points by lnguyen on Aug 29, 2018 | 111 comments
22. OCR Software Dev Exposes 200k Customer Documents (bleepingcomputer.com)
111 points by wglb on Aug 28, 2018 | 47 comments
23. Ask HN: What do you struggle with?
365 points by meesterdude on Aug 29, 2018 | 533 comments
24. Madoko – a fast markdown processor for writing professional documents (madoko.net)
113 points by jamesadevine on Aug 29, 2018 | 27 comments
25. We Discovered Helium 150 Years Ago. Are We Running Out? (nationalgeographic.com)
130 points by lxm on Aug 29, 2018 | 137 comments
26. Programming Language Foundations in Agda (plfa.github.io)
156 points by myth_drannon on Aug 28, 2018 | 4 comments
27. Newly Discovered 'Rose Hip' Neurons May Be Unique To Humans (npr.org)
103 points by snapspans on Aug 28, 2018 | 44 comments
28. Q3VM – Lightweight, embeddable Quake III Interpreter/Virtual Machine (github.com/jnz)
117 points by janosch9001 on Aug 28, 2018 | 29 comments
29. Why the Future of Data Storage Is Still Magnetic Tape (ieee.org)
142 points by sohkamyung on Aug 29, 2018 | 155 comments
30. Ecstasy as a Remedy for PTSD? You Probably Have Some Questions (nytimes.com)
116 points by anythingnonidin on Aug 29, 2018 | 133 comments

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