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Stories from December 19, 2018
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1. Bye Bye Mongo, Hello Postgres (theguardian.com)
1562 points by philliphaydon on Dec 19, 2018 | 417 comments
2. For First Time in More Than 20 Years, Copyrighted Works Will Enter Public Domain (smithsonianmag.com)
814 points by ingve on Dec 19, 2018 | 264 comments
3. Introducing Project Mu (windows.com)
465 points by ductionist on Dec 19, 2018 | 143 comments
4. What I learned from reading a thousand emergency room bills (vox.com)
424 points by jedwhite on Dec 19, 2018 | 583 comments
5. Why Can’t We Find Planet Nine? (quantamagazine.org)
200 points by qubitcoder on Dec 19, 2018 | 149 comments
6. As Facebook Raised a Privacy Wall, It Carved an Opening for Tech Giants (nytimes.com)
499 points by jumelles on Dec 19, 2018 | 190 comments
7. Python gets a new governance model (lwn.net)
414 points by OrangeTux on Dec 19, 2018 | 175 comments
8. Estimating Value of Facebook by Paying Users to Stop Using It (plos.org)
284 points by infodocket on Dec 19, 2018 | 191 comments
9. Writing copy for landing pages (stripe.com)
416 points by HeinZawHtet on Dec 19, 2018 | 84 comments
10. Windows Sandbox (microsoft.com)
597 points by lxm on Dec 19, 2018 | 319 comments
11. What I learned in ten years of blogging (ferrucc.io)
356 points by 0xferruccio on Dec 19, 2018 | 162 comments
12. Unmanned grocery delivery is underway in Arizona (detroitnews.com)
121 points by evo_9 on Dec 19, 2018 | 139 comments
13. MailChimp deleted my account with no warning (rongarret.info)
715 points by lisper on Dec 19, 2018 | 253 comments
14. Google Tech Dev Guide (withgoogle.com)
428 points by myroon5 on Dec 19, 2018 | 238 comments
15. LibreRouter: Powering community networks with free and open hardware (apnic.net)
290 points by xuande on Dec 19, 2018 | 86 comments
16. Building a Spotify Player for My Mac SE/30 (68kmla.org)
346 points by laurentdc on Dec 18, 2018 | 59 comments
17. Korg NuTube, vacuum tube for the 21st century (korgnutube.com)
168 points by ChuckMcM on Dec 19, 2018 | 88 comments
18. Librem 5 dev kits are shipping (puri.sm)
253 points by arctux on Dec 18, 2018 | 94 comments
19. Kademlia: A Peer-To-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric (2002) [pdf] (csail.mit.edu)
191 points by liamzebedee on Dec 19, 2018 | 40 comments
20. The Dating Brokers: An autopsy of online love (tacticaltech.org)
191 points by gumby on Dec 18, 2018 | 119 comments
21. Comma-Separated Tree (observablehq.com)
153 points by mbostock on Dec 18, 2018 | 61 comments
22. Geoffrey Hinton and Demis Hassabis: AGI is nowhere close to being a reality (venturebeat.com)
204 points by z0a on Dec 18, 2018 | 175 comments
23. Searching statically-linked vulnerable library functions in executable code (googleprojectzero.blogspot.com)
150 points by matt_d on Dec 19, 2018 | 37 comments
24. The Little Printf (ferd.ca)
208 points by lelf on Dec 18, 2018 | 25 comments
25. Google Chrome to stop back-button hijacking (googlesource.com)
193 points by superhumanuser on Dec 18, 2018 | 124 comments
26. Dad and the Egg Controller (pentadact.com)
253 points by evan_ on Dec 18, 2018 | 49 comments
27. O-bahn Busway (wikipedia.org)
97 points by widforss on Dec 19, 2018 | 36 comments
28. Shanghai City in panoramic view in 195 gigapixels (bigpixel.cn)
256 points by learnaholic on Dec 19, 2018 | 86 comments
29. Intro to Quantum Information Science (scottaaronson.com)
114 points by furcyd on Dec 19, 2018 | 6 comments
30. The universal decay of collective memory and attention (nature.com)
144 points by Hooke on Dec 18, 2018 | 21 comments

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