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Erlang.org traffic no longer exponential (wiger.net)
2 points by setori88 on April 5, 2010 | past | 3 comments
QCon 2010 Concurrency Track (wiger.net)
3 points by rudenoise on Jan 6, 2010 | past
What is Erlang-Style Concurrency? (wiger.net)
62 points by silentbicycle on Sept 13, 2009 | past | 16 comments
Composing and valuing financial contracts with combinators - video + slides (wiger.net)
1 point by henning on July 19, 2008 | past
Functional Programming Seminar (wiger.net)
1 point by jlhamilton on March 1, 2008 | past
What is Erlang-Style Concurrency? (wiger.net)
14 points by iamelgringo on Feb 7, 2008 | past | 4 comments

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