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PDIP: Priority Directed Instruction Prefetching (ASPLOS '24) [pdf] (ucsd.edu)
3 points by eigenform 7 days ago | past | discuss
Valley fever boosted by California droughts (ucsd.edu)
1 point by geox 16 days ago | past
Computer Scientists Discover Vulnerabilities in a Popular Security Protocol (ucsd.edu)
1 point by signa11 21 days ago | past
Computer Scientists Discover Vulnerabilities in Radius (ucsd.edu)
2 points by todsacerdoti 22 days ago | past
The Energy Trap (2011) (ucsd.edu)
5 points by Bluestein 31 days ago | past
Influence of experience and deliberate practice on expert performance [pdf] (ucsd.edu)
5 points by JustinSkycak 33 days ago | past | 2 comments
Learning Dance Moves Could Help Humanoid Robots Work Better with Humans (ucsd.edu)
1 point by gmays 55 days ago | past
Hypersaline Hyperviscous Fluids Better Treatment for Blood Loss (2008) (ucsd.edu)
1 point by compressedgas 65 days ago | past
Firmware update hides a device’s Bluetooth fingerprint (ucsd.edu)
151 points by transpute 67 days ago | past | 49 comments
A simple firmware update completely hides a device’s Bluetooth fingerprint (ucsd.edu)
1 point by geox 71 days ago | past
Microrobot-Packed Pill Shows Promise for Treating IBD in Mice (ucsd.edu)
1 point by birriel 73 days ago | past
Study identifies first drug therapy for sleep apnea (ucsd.edu)
32 points by geox 3 months ago | past | 7 comments
Is coffee good for you or bad for you? (ucsd.edu)
4 points by geox 3 months ago | past | 2 comments
Peak Population Projections (ucsd.edu)
34 points by sjmulder 3 months ago | past | 64 comments
Swimming microrobots deliver cancer-fighting drugs to lung tumors in mice (ucsd.edu)
3 points by geox 3 months ago | past
Pure Data 0.55 (ucsd.edu)
3 points by spacechild1 3 months ago | past
The EnronSent Corpus (ucsd.edu)
3 points by thunderbong 3 months ago | past
the Earth's rotation rate is changing, in part due to global warming (ucsd.edu)
1 point by delaugust 4 months ago | past | 1 comment
A Nation-Sized Battery (2011) (ucsd.edu)
1 point by mpweiher 4 months ago | past | 1 comment
Bioplastic houses bacterial spores that help it break down (ucsd.edu)
1 point by geox 4 months ago | past
Taking ASCII Drawings Seriously: How Programmers Diagram Code [pdf] (ucsd.edu)
2 points by matt_d 4 months ago | past
All-cash home buyers pay 10% less than mortgage buyers (ucsd.edu)
2 points by geox 5 months ago | past | 2 comments
The math problem that took nearly a century to solve (ucsd.edu)
2 points by geox 5 months ago | past
Fear Unfolds Inside Our Brains (ucsd.edu)
2 points by gmays 6 months ago | past
Research shows plant-based polymers can disappear within seven months (ucsd.edu)
211 points by geox 6 months ago | past | 118 comments
Let's Make a Deal (ucsd.edu)
1 point by Voultapher 6 months ago | past
Why Not Space? (2011) (ucsd.edu)
2 points by arp242 6 months ago | past
Let's Make a Deal (ucsd.edu)
1 point by cratermoon 6 months ago | past
Self-control signals and affords power (ucsd.edu)
199 points by namanyayg 6 months ago | past | 133 comments
Having Self-Control Leads to Power (ucsd.edu)
3 points by silly_ninja 6 months ago | past

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