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One Productivity Tip to Rule Them All (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator 2 days ago | past | discuss
Step-by-step guide on how to find a great mentor for you (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator 6 days ago | past | discuss
Mistakes Mentee Make During Mentorship that you can avoid (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator 8 days ago | past | discuss
How to Find a Mentor (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator 9 days ago | past | discuss
Designing My Perfect Sabbatical: 23 Years in Making (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator 12 days ago | past | discuss
A Leader's Guide to Navigating the Halo Effect (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator 6 months ago | past
How to Build and Ship Projects Fast (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator 6 months ago | past
Manager's and the Art and Science of Delegation (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator 6 months ago | past
Why Be Productive (2022) (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator 6 months ago | past
Going down the rabbit hole with ChatGPT (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator 8 months ago | past
LyingGPT (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
3 points by maddynator 8 months ago | past | 1 comment
Content Moderation with AI (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator 8 months ago | past
Generative AI: Why Artists Need Not Worry (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator 11 months ago | past | 1 comment
Generative AI: Why Artists Need Not Worry (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator 11 months ago | past
How to relentless rescoping amid layoffs (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator on Feb 26, 2023 | past
On Relentless Rescoping and Saying No (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator on Feb 21, 2023 | past
One File That Every Project Needs (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator on Jan 26, 2023 | past
Transform Your Life by Overriding Inaction with Tan (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator on Dec 10, 2022 | past
99.999% of Your Ideas Are Side-Project Ideas, Not Startup Ideas: Here's Why (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
3 points by maddynator on Dec 3, 2022 | past
Startups and Side-Projects (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
3 points by maddynator on Dec 3, 2022 | past
Why Engineering Interviews Are Not Stupid (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator on July 6, 2022 | past
Advice I Gave Myself (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator on June 16, 2022 | past
Build vs. Buy: One Aspect That No One Talks About (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
3 points by maddynator on June 12, 2022 | past
A Linux Command Got My Twitter Account Locked for Abuse and Violation (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
58 points by maddynator on May 29, 2022 | past | 41 comments
A Linux Command Got My Twitter Account Locked for Abuse and Violation (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
3 points by maddynator on May 24, 2022 | past
Why and How to Speak up at work (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator on May 1, 2022 | past
Why and How to Speak Up (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator on April 24, 2022 | past
Build vs. Buy: Vendor Contract Shenanigans (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
5 points by maddynator on April 2, 2022 | past
Ensuring Vendor QoS and Setting the Right Type of SLAs When Buying from a Vendor (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
1 point by maddynator on March 26, 2022 | past
Build vs. Buy: One Aspect That No One Talks About (thinkingthrough.substack.com)
2 points by maddynator on March 14, 2022 | past

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