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A Timely History Lesson from the Weimar Republic (bendiken.net)
6 points by raganwald on Oct 9, 2008 | past
Rediscovering the Lively Road Not Taken (bendiken.net)
5 points by raganwald on May 28, 2008 | past
Envy, Ignorance and the Semantics of a Zero-Sum Delusion (bendiken.net)
1 point by pchristensen on April 27, 2008 | past
When cutting code, Lisp is the lightsaber (bendiken.net)
3 points by knarf on March 29, 2008 | past
Finding Clojure, or How I Learned to Stop Locking and Eval the JVM (bendiken.net)
5 points by raju on March 27, 2008 | past

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