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People Mind Wander More During Massed Than Spaced Learning [pdf] (apa.org)
3 points by JustinSkycak 4 days ago | past | discuss
How Switching Behavior on Digital Media Makes People More Bored [pdf] (apa.org)
3 points by bookofjoe 25 days ago | past | 1 comment
How heat affects the mind (apa.org)
2 points by XzetaU8 28 days ago | past
Fast-Forward: Switching Behavior on Digital Media Makes People More Bored [pdf] (apa.org)
2 points by bookofjoe 31 days ago | past
How Experts Practice: A Novel Test of Deliberate Practice Theory [pdf] (apa.org)
3 points by JustinSkycak 40 days ago | past | 1 comment
The unpleasantness of thinking: Review of mental effort and negative affect. (apa.org)
5 points by bookofjoe 45 days ago | past | 1 comment
The Unpleasantness of Thinking (apa.org)
3 points by wjb3 45 days ago | past
Narcissism Across Life Span: Meta-Analytic Review of Longitudinal Studies [pdf] (apa.org)
21 points by bookofjoe 69 days ago | past | 2 comments
People underestimate how enjoyable and engaging just waiting is (2022) (apa.org)
5 points by yamrzou 70 days ago | past | 1 comment
Negativity Bias in Intergroup Contact (apa.org)
1 point by PaulHoule 73 days ago | past
Review of "Design for a Brain" (2005) (apa.org)
3 points by transpute 80 days ago | past | 1 comment
Most people's life satisfaction matches their personality traits (apa.org)
2 points by speckx 81 days ago | past
Does the first letter of one's name affect life decisions? (apa.org)
2 points by geox 3 months ago | past | 1 comment
Potential of MDMA, ketamine and psilocybin for treatment-resistant conditions (apa.org)
3 points by bookofjoe 3 months ago | past
A Literary Cry for Help from Female Insings (apa.org)
1 point by impish9208 4 months ago | past
Evidence for historical change toward a later perceived onset of old age (apa.org)
1 point by geox 4 months ago | past
How Old Do I Look? Aging Appearance and Experiences of Aging (apa.org)
1 point by gnabgib 5 months ago | past
Extending the Goal Progress Theory of Rumination: Goal Reevaluation and Growth (apa.org)
1 point by yamrzou 7 months ago | past | 1 comment
Anger Has Benefits for Attaining Goals (apa.org)
1 point by yamrzou 7 months ago | past
Empirical failures of the claim that autistic people lack a theory of mind (apa.org)
46 points by Frummy 7 months ago | past | 63 comments
Metal guitar skills linked to intrasexual competition, but not mating success (apa.org)
25 points by coloneltcb 7 months ago | past | 6 comments
Perfectionism Is Increasing over Time(2019)[pdf] (apa.org)
2 points by kelseyfrog 7 months ago | past
The Conspiratorial Mind: A Meta-Analytic Review (apa.org)
3 points by geox 8 months ago | past | 1 comment
Limited effects of lifetime cannabis use: Evidence from 30-year twins study (apa.org)
3 points by kvee 8 months ago | past
We Look Like Our Names: Manifestation of Name Stereotypes in Facial Appearance [pdf] (apa.org)
3 points by doener 9 months ago | past
Zoom Fatigue is From Boredom not Anxiety (apa.org)
2 points by drnewman 9 months ago | past
Treating People with Hoarding Disorder (apa.org)
2 points by yamrzou 9 months ago | past
High levels of maternal stress linked to children's behavior problems (apa.org)
3 points by RadixDLT 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
Meta-accuracy: Do we know how others see us? (2012) (apa.org)
3 points by yamrzou 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
Meta-accuracy and relationship quality (2016) (apa.org)
2 points by yamrzou 10 months ago | past

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