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“What Did You Do?” – Alexis Ohanian Resigns from Reddit's Board (alexisohanian.com)
9 points by ohjeez on June 7, 2020 | past | 3 comments
“What Did You Do?” (alexisohanian.com)
18 points by erickhill on June 6, 2020 | past | 23 comments
“What Did You Do?” – Alexis Ohanian Sr (alexisohanian.com)
4 points by dankohn1 on June 5, 2020 | past
An open letter to Kevin Rose (2010) (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by nickysielicki on April 24, 2018 | past
My Open Letter to the Reddit Community (Alexis Ohanian) (alexisohanian.com)
3 points by sirteno on Jan 31, 2017 | past | 1 comment
Our Y Combinator S05 Application – what would lead to Reddit (2010)- (alexisohanian.com)
3 points by dwynings on Aug 19, 2016 | past
The first version of Reddit, after 3 weeks of programming (alexisohanian.com)
2 points by Semetric on April 6, 2016 | past
The Email I Sent Steve That Kicked Off Reddit (alexisohanian.com)
18 points by ot on Nov 16, 2014 | past | 6 comments
Three weeks of programming, the first version of Reddit (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by charlieirish on Nov 10, 2014 | past
Alexis Ohanian's Comments for the FCC (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by davidtpate on July 17, 2014 | past
Alexis Ohanian's (kn0thing) Commencement Speech to the Carthage Class of 2014 (alexisohanian.com)
2 points by JacobAldridge on June 2, 2014 | past
On being a proud non-technical founder (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by jmduke on March 4, 2014 | past
On being a proud non-technical founder (alexisohanian.com)
8 points by runesoerensen on March 4, 2014 | past
The book that inspired the birth of reddit (alexisohanian.com)
188 points by kn0thing on June 26, 2013 | past | 59 comments
Getting Things Done Over Grade Point Average (alexisohanian.com)
10 points by kn0thing on June 4, 2013 | past | 3 comments
Save Your Privacy Policy - Making the World Suck Less (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by swohns on April 10, 2013 | past
Dear Fellow Geeks: WTF? (alexisohanian.com)
30 points by kn0thing on March 25, 2013 | past | 9 comments
East side likes Tupac more than West side, Vidyard analytics reveal (alexisohanian.com)
8 points by brandnewlow on July 18, 2012 | past | 1 comment
Why reddit won (old post, but since we're on the topic...) (alexisohanian.com)
4 points by kn0thing on Dec 7, 2011 | past | 2 comments
From Paul Newman to Paul Graham: part 2 of my TechCrunch interview w CDixon (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by bjonathan on June 3, 2011 | past
How Hipmunk Learned to Respect Its Users (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by bound008 on March 23, 2011 | past
This isn't about you, founder. (Reminder to myself as much as it is to startups) (alexisohanian.com)
4 points by kn0thing on March 21, 2011 | past
How reddit became reddit - the biggest smallest community online (alexisohanian.com)
153 points by kn0thing on Feb 18, 2011 | past | 76 comments
Reddit Founders' YC Application (alexisohanian.com)
178 points by ptn on Nov 29, 2010 | past | 51 comments
What did the Internet looks like, according to 1st graders (alexisohanian.com)
4 points by Concours on Nov 8, 2010 | past
Campaign to raise awareness for Salman Khan, educator to the world (alexisohanian.com)
3 points by maheshs on Oct 18, 2010 | past
Reminder: YC Q&A with Harj and Alexis in Boston tonight (alexisohanian.com)
37 points by jl on Oct 11, 2010 | past | 2 comments
YC Q&A Sessions coming to Boston (11 Oct) & NYC (13 Oct) (alexisohanian.com)
42 points by Harj on Oct 7, 2010 | past | 8 comments
Let's get Salman Khan (khanacademy.org) on the TED stage (alexisohanian.com)
225 points by maheshs on Oct 3, 2010 | past | 42 comments
Lessons Learned from MIT StartupBootcamp 2010 (alexisohanian.com)
1 point by NumberFiveAlive on Sept 14, 2010 | past

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