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1. Easy SVG sparklines (alexplescan.com)
353 points by alexpls on July 10, 2023 | 103 comments
2. Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles and Unreal Engine (nilsbakker.nl)
644 points by stijnbakker on May 19, 2023 | 120 comments
3. NewsNotFound: An open-source, unbiased news company (newsnotfound.com)
110 points by newsnotfound on April 21, 2023 | 165 comments
4. Up (Film Series) (wikipedia.org)
93 points by walterbell on April 10, 2023 | 24 comments
5. Show HN: Quadratic – Open-Source Spreadsheet with Python, AI (WASM and WebGL) (quadratichq.com)
224 points by davidkircos on April 5, 2023 | 68 comments
6. Experimental library for scraping websites using OpenAI's GPT API (jamesturk.github.io)
378 points by tomberin on March 25, 2023 | 140 comments
7. Understanding CD-R and CD-RW (2003) [pdf] (osta.org)
109 points by brudgers on March 17, 2023 | 110 comments
8. OpenHV – Open-Source Pixelart Science-Fiction Real-Time-Strategy Game (openhv.net)
141 points by pabs3 on March 10, 2023 | 19 comments
9. Elitism as the mid-career growth engine (stkbailey.substack.com)
170 points by peterhunt on Feb 20, 2023 | 108 comments
10. TabFS – a browser extension that mounts the browser tabs as a filesystem (omar.website)
1033 points by pps on Feb 18, 2023 | 193 comments
11. Show HN: PyCirclize – Circular Visualization in Python (github.com/moshi4)
47 points by moshi4 on Feb 12, 2023 | 5 comments
12. Show HN: boxxy – Control where Linux programs put files, without symlinks (github.com/queer)
384 points by notamy on Feb 9, 2023 | 239 comments
13. Don’t teach during code reviews (michaelagreiler.com)
196 points by trashymctrash on Feb 5, 2023 | 276 comments
14. Taking the initial phone screen with candidates (davidgomes.com)
48 points by davidgomes on Feb 3, 2023 | 52 comments
15. Simulating an Entire Car Engine (yes, it makes noise) [video] (youtube.com)
334 points by cellover on Aug 6, 2022 | 74 comments
16. Show HN: PRQL 0.2 – a better SQL (github.com/prql)
378 points by maximilianroos on June 27, 2022 | 159 comments
17. Ask HN: Any certification that is worth it? Legitimately helped your career?
349 points by akudha on June 25, 2022 | 424 comments
18. Launch HN: Astro (YC W21) – Build your own dev teams in Latin America
164 points by FrankLicea on June 22, 2022 | 142 comments
19. Dashy – A self-hosted homepage for your homelab (github.com/lissy93)
354 points by mmmmkay on June 6, 2022 | 57 comments
20. Automatic supercuts on the command line with Videogrep (lav.io)
352 points by saaaam on May 23, 2022 | 56 comments
21. Mito – Excel-like interface for Pandas dataframes in Jupyter notebook (trymito.io)
257 points by alefnula on May 20, 2022 | 99 comments
22. Taking a break from social media makes you happier and less anxious (calnewport.com)
734 points by yarapavan on May 17, 2022 | 474 comments
23. Taskwarrior (taskwarrior.org)
248 points by tosh on May 15, 2022 | 38 comments
24. Pitivi, a free and open source video editor for Linux (pitivi.org)
208 points by memorable on May 3, 2022 | 102 comments
25. I stopped advertising and nothing happened (theantistartup.com)
590 points by deeeej on April 7, 2022 | 388 comments
26. Wipeout (PSX and Windows Source) (64history.net)
249 points by haunter on March 27, 2022 | 132 comments
27. Show HN: Simula One – Portable Linux VR Computer (simulavr.com)
463 points by georgewsinger on Feb 23, 2022 | 397 comments
28. The world of PostgreSQL wire compatibility (multiprocess.io)
106 points by EntICOnc on Feb 10, 2022 | 18 comments
29. Show HN: Voiceliner – Capture structured braindumps on the go (a9.io)
297 points by maxkrieger on Dec 29, 2021 | 84 comments
30. Street Fighter II paper trails – allocating sprite space by hand (fabiensanglard.net)
554 points by krajzeg on Dec 23, 2021 | 76 comments

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